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DnnDevelopers Injector
Module Settings
Page Settings
Image Slider Settings
Expand All
Basic Settings
Module Culture:
The culture for this module.
Neutral Culture
Displays the name of the module.
Module Title:
Enter a title for the module. The title will appear in the title bar of the container for this module, if supported by the container.
Select items from the drop-down to tag this module.
Advanced Settings
Is Shareable
Check this box to allow the module to be shared across sites.
View Only
Check this box to restrict the module to be shared as View Only.
Hide admin message
Check this box to suppress the message at the top of the module, stating that it is only visible to administrators (if no additional permissions granted).
Enter header text that will appear above the content of this module.
Enter footer text that will appear below the content of this module.
Start Date:
Select the start date for displaying this module. The module will only be visible to users with Manage permissions prior to this date.
End Date:
Select the end date for displaying this module. The module will only be visible to users with Manage permissions after this date.
Module Moniker:
A unique identifier for this module on the page. This can be used by WEB API callers to set the context of the Tab and Module context.
Added to Pages
This module has not been added to any other pages.
Filter By Group:
< All Roles >
< Global Roles >
Select Role:
All Users
Registered Users
Translator (en-US)
Unauthenticated Users
Unverified Users
View Module
Edit Module
All Users
Registered Users
Display Name:
permissions from
Expand All
Basic Settings
Select an icon to display in the title bar of this module.
Select the default alignment of module content.
Not Specified
Enter a color name or hexadecimal value for the background of this module.
Enter a border width for the module.
Choose the default visibility for this module. I.e. whether the module is collapsed or expanded.
Display Container
Check this box to display the module container.
Allow Print
Check this box to enable printing on this module.
Allow Syndicate
Check this box to enable RSS on this module.
Is a WebSlice
Check this box to make this module an IE8 Web Slice.
Module Container:
Select a container for the module.
<None Specified>
Host: engineering - Main-Clean
Host: engineering - Title-Arrow-H1
Host: engineering - Title-Arrow-H2
Host: engineering - Title-Arrow-H3
Host: engineering - Title-Arrow-H4
Host: engineering - Title-Arrow-H5
Host: engineering - Title-Arrow-H6
Host: engineering - Title-Circle-H1
Host: engineering - Title-Circle-H2
Host: engineering - Title-Circle-H3
Host: engineering - Title-Circle-H4
Host: engineering - Title-Circle-H5
Host: engineering - Title-Circle-H6
Host: engineering - Title-H1
Host: engineering - Title-H2
Host: engineering - Title-H3
Host: engineering - Title-H4
Host: engineering - Title-H5
Host: engineering - Title-H6
Host: engineering - Title-Lined-H1
Host: engineering - Title-Lined-H2
Host: engineering - Title-Lined-H3
Host: engineering - Title-Lined-H4
Host: engineering - Title-Lined-H5
Host: engineering - Title-Lined-H6
Host: nvQuickTheme - none
Host: Xcillion - 404
Host: Xcillion - Boxed
Host: Xcillion - NoTitle
Host: Xcillion - Title_h2
Host: Xcillion - Title_h2_centered
Host: Xcillion - Title_h2_circles
Host: Xcillion - Title_h2_elegant
Host: Xcillion - Title_h2_hexagon
Host: Xcillion - Title_h2_open_rectangle
Host: Xcillion - Title_h2_rectangle
Host: Xcillion - Title_h2_slashed
Host: Xcillion - Title_h3
Host: Xcillion - Title_h3_centered
Host: Xcillion - Title_h4
Host: Xcillion - Title_h4_centered
Cache Settings
Output Cache Provider
Select the provider to use for this page.
None Specified
Cache Duration (seconds)
Enter the duration (in seconds) to cache the page for. This must be an integer.
Advanced Settings
Set as Default Settings
Check this box to use the Page Settings of this module as the default settings when adding new modules. Administrators only.
Apply to All Modules
Check this box to apply the Page Settings of this module to all existing modules. Administrators only.
Move To Page:
Select the page this module instance will be moved to.
DnnDevelopers Injector
Image Slider
Layout Settings
Select the Transitions effect for the slider
No Transition
Fade in L
Fade in R
Fade in T
Fade in B
Fade in LR
Fade in LR Chess
Fade in TB
Fade in TB Chess
Fade in Corners
Fade out L
Fade out R
Fade out T
Fade out B
Fade out LR
Fade out LR Chess
Fade out TB
Fade out TB Chess
Fade out Corners
Fade Fly in L
Fade Fly in R
Fade Fly in T
Fade Fly in B
Fade Fly in LR
Fade Fly in LR Chess
Fade Fly in TB
Fade Fly in TB Chess
Fade Fly in Corners
Fade Fly out L
Fade Fly out R
Fade Fly out T
Fade Fly out B
Fade Fly out LR
Fade Fly out LR Chess
Fade Fly out TB
Fade Fly out TB Chess
Fade Fly out Corners
Fade Clip in H
Fade Clip in V
Fade Clip out H
Fade Clip out V
Fade Stairs
Fade Random
Fade Swirl
Fade ZigZag
Fade Twins
Rotate away
Rotate away acw
Rotate back
Rotate back acw
Rotate Relay
Rotate Relay acw
Doors close
Rotate in+ out-
Rotate in- ou+
Fly Twins
Chess Replace TB
Chess Replace LR
Zoom back
Zoom away
Zoom return
Shift TB
Shift LR
Return TB
Return LR
Rotate Axis up
Rotate Axis down
Extrude Replace
Extrude Return
Rotate VDouble+ in
Rotate HDouble+ in
Rotate VDouble- in
Rotate HDouble- in
Rotate VDouble+ out
Rotate HDouble+ out
Rotate VDouble- out
Rotate HDouble- out
Rotate VFork+ in
Rotate HFork+ in
Rotate VFork+ out
Rotate HFork+ out
Rotate Zoom+ in
Rotate Zoom+ in L
Rotate Zoom+ in R
Rotate Zoom+ in T
Rotate Zoom+ in B
Rotate Zoom+ in TL
Rotate Zoom+ in TR
Rotate Zoom+ in BL
Rotate Zoom+ in BR
Rotate Zoom+ out
Rotate Zoom+ out L
Rotate Zoom+ out R
Rotate Zoom+ out T
Rotate Zoom+ out B
Rotate Zoom+ out TL
Rotate Zoom+ out TR
Rotate Zoom+ out BL
Rotate Zoom+ out BR
Rotate Zoom- in
Rotate Zoom- in L
Rotate Zoom- in R
Rotate Zoom- in T
Rotate Zoom- in B
Rotate Zoom- in TL
Rotate Zoom- in TR
Rotate Zoom- in BL
Rotate Zoom- in BR
Rotate Zoom- out
Rotate Zoom- out L
Rotate Zoom- out R
Rotate Zoom- out T
Rotate Zoom- out B
Rotate Zoom- out TL
Rotate Zoom- out TR
Rotate Zoom- out BL
Rotate Zoom- out BR
Zoom VDouble+ in
Zoom HDouble+ in
Zoom VDouble- in
Zoom HDouble- in
Zoom VDouble+ out
Zoom HDouble+ out
Zoom VDouble- out
Zoom HDouble- out
Zoom+ in
Zoom+ in L
Zoom+ in R
Zoom+ in T
Zoom+ in B
Zoom+ in TL
Zoom+ in TR
Zoom+ in BL
Zoom+ in BR
Zoom+ out
Zoom+ out L
Zoom+ out R
Zoom+ out T
Zoom+ out B
Zoom+ out TL
Zoom+ out TR
Zoom+ out BL
Zoom+ out BR
Zoom- in
Zoom- in L
Zoom- in R
Zoom- in T
Zoom- in B
Zoom- in TL
Zoom- in TR
Zoom- in BL
Zoom- in BR
Zoom- out
Zoom- out L
Zoom- out R
Zoom- out T
Zoom- out B
Zoom- out TL
Zoom- out TR
Zoom- out BL
Zoom- out BR
Collapse Stairs
Collapse Swirl
Collapse Rectangle Cross
Collapse Rectangle
Collapse Cross
Collapse Circle
Collapse ZigZag
Collapse Random
Expand Stairs
Expand Swirl
Expand Rectangle Cross
Expand Rectangle
Expand Cross
Expand ZigZag
Expand Random
Float Right Random
Float up Random
Float up Random with Chess
Float Right ZigZag
Float up ZigZag
Float up ZigZag with Chess
Float Right Swirl
Float up Swirl
Float up Swirl with Chess
Fly Right Random
Fly up Random
Fly up Random with Chess
Fly Right ZigZag
Fly up ZigZag
Fly up ZigZag with Chess
Fly Right Swirl
Fly up Swirl
Fly up Swirl with Chess
Dominoes Stripe
Extrude out Stripe
Extrude in Stripe
Horizontal Blind Stripe
Vertical Blind Stripe
Horizontal Stripe
Vertical Stripe
Horizontal Moving Stripe
Vertical Moving Stripe
Horizontal Fade Stripe
Horizontal Fade Stripe Reverse
Vertical Fade Stripe
Vertical Fade Stripe Reverse
Horizontal Fly Stripe
Vertical Fly Stripe
Horizontal Chess Stripe
Vertical Chess Stripe
Horizontal Random Fade Stripe
Vertical Random Fade Stripe
Horizontal Bounce Stripe
Vertical Bounce Stripe
Parabola Swirl in
Parabola Swirl out
Parabola ZigZag in
Parabola ZigZag out
Parabola Stairs in
Parabola Stairs out
Swing Inside in Stairs
Swing Inside in ZigZag
Swing Inside in Swirl
Swing Inside in Random
Swing Inside in Random Chess
Swing Inside out ZigZag
Swing Inside out Swirl
Dodge Dance Inside in Stairs
Dodge Dance Inside in Swirl
Dodge Dance Inside in ZigZag
Dodge Dance Inside in Random
Dodge Dance Inside in Random Chess
Dodge Dance Inside out Stairs
Dodge Dance Inside out Swirl
Dodge Dance Inside out ZigZag
Dodge Dance Inside out Random
Dodge Dance Inside out Random Chess
Dodge Pet Inside in Stairs
Dodge Pet Inside in Swirl
Dodge Pet Inside in ZigZag
Dodge Pet Inside in Random
Dodge Pet Inside in Random Chess
Dodge Pet Inside out Stairs
Dodge Pet Inside out Swirl
Dodge Pet Inside out ZigZag
Dodge Pet Inside out Random
Dodge Pet Inside out Random Chess
Dodge Inside out Stairs
Dodge Inside out Swirl
Dodge Inside out ZigZag
Dodge Inside out Random
Dodge Inside out Random Chess
Dodge Inside in Stairs
Dodge Inside in Swirl
Dodge Inside in ZigZag
Dodge Inside in Random
Dodge Inside in Random Chess
Dodge Inside in TL
Dodge Inside in TR
Dodge Inside in BL
Dodge Inside in BR
Dodge Inside out TL
Dodge Inside out TR
Dodge Inside out BL
Dodge Inside out BR
Flutter Inside in
Flutter Inside in Wind
Flutter Inside in Swirl
Flutter Inside in Column
Flutter Inside out
Flutter Inside out Wind
Flutter Inside out Swirl
Flutter Inside out Column
Clip & Chess in
Clip & Chess out
Clip & Oblique Chess in
Clip & Oblique Chess out
Clip & Wave in
Clip & Wave out
Clip & Jump in
Clip & Jump out
Wave out
Wave out Eagle
Wave out Swirl
Wave out ZigZag
Wave out Rectangle
Wave out Circle
Wave out Cross
Wave out Rectangle Cross
Wave in
Wave in Eagle
Wave in Swirl
Wave in ZigZag
Wave in Rectangle
Wave in Circle
Wave in Cross
Wave in Rectangle Cross
Jump out Straight
Jump out Swirl
Jump out ZigZag
Jump out Rectangle
Jump out Circle
Jump out Rectangle Cross
Jump in Straight
Jump in Swirl
Jump in ZigZag
Jump in Rectangle
Jump in Circle
Jump in Rectangle Cross
Slide Down
Slide Right
Bounce Down
Bounce Right
Select the style of the Left and Right arrow for the slider
No Arrow
Arrow 51
Arrow 52
Arrow 53
Arrow 54
Arrow 55
Arrow 56
Arrow 71
Arrow 72
Arrow 73
Arrow 74
Arrow 81
Arrow 82
Arrow 91
Arrow 92
Arrow 93
Arrow 94
Arrow 101
Arrow 102
Arrow 103
Arrow 104
Arrow 105
Arrow 106
Arrow 111
Arrow 112
Select the bullet style
No Bullet
Bullet 31
Bullet 32
Bullet 33
Bullet 34
Bullet 35
Bullet 36
Bullet 51
Bullet 52
Bullet 53
Bullet 54
Bullet 55
Bullet 56
Bullet 57
Bullet 58
Bullet 61
Bullet 62
Bullet 63
Bullet 64
Bullet 71
Bullet 72
Bullet 105
Bullet 106
Bullet 107
Bullet 108
Bullet 109
Bullet 110
Bullet 111
Bullet 112
Thumbnails (Replace Bullet)
Choose the style of thumbnails on the slider, If you choose Thumbnail it will remove bullet automatically, once you select No Thumbnail option you will see the bullets if selected.
No Thumbnail
Thumbnail 51
Thumbnail 52
Thumbnail 61
Thumbnail 62
Thumbnail 91
Thumbnail 92
Thumbnail 101
Thumbnail 111
Thumbnail 121
Loading style with the progress icon style
No Loader
Double Tail Spin
Tail Spin
Ball Triangle
Slider Options
Slider Width
Enter the width as per size of your slide images
Slider Height
Enter the height as per size of your slide images
Auto Play
Automatically Play/Slide when page loads
No Auto Play
Stop at Last Slide
Stop on Click
Stop on User Navigation
Stop on Click
Interval (in second) to go for next slide since the previous stopped if the slider is auto playing
Pause on Hover
Whether to pause when mouse over if a slider is auto playing
No Pause
Pause for Desktop
Pause for Touch Device
Pause for Desktop and Touch device
Freeze for Desktop
Freeze for Touch Device
Freeze for Desktop and Touch Device
Fill Mode
The way to fill the main image in a slide
Contain (keep aspect ratio and put all inside slide)
Cover (keep aspect ratio and cover whole slide)
Actual Size
Contain for Large Image and Actual Size for Small Image
Lazy Loading
If this is No, it will load current slide only. If this is Yes, it will load current slide and 1 adjacent slide.
Drag Orientation
Orientation to drag slide
No Drag
Caption Settings
Caption Font Size
Size of font for the caption
License / Activate Module
Invoice ID
Enter the Invoice ID you get when purchase the module, you should get a email when purchased the module or collect Invoice ID from against purchased module.
License Key
License Key makes your module Activ, click on the Activate button to activate the module.
Created By SuperUser Account On 4/24/2018 8:36:06 AM
Last Updated By System On 2/12/2024 8:03:49 AM