Basic Settings

The culture for this module.
Neutral Culture Neutral Culture
Displays the name of the module.
Enter a title for the module. The title will appear in the title bar of the container for this module, if supported by the container.
Select items from the drop-down to tag this module.

Advanced Settings

Check this box to allow the module to be shared across sites.
Check this box to restrict the module to be shared as View Only.
Check this box to suppress the message at the top of the module, stating that it is only visible to administrators (if no additional permissions granted).
Enter header text that will appear above the content of this module.
Enter footer text that will appear below the content of this module.
Select the start date for displaying this module. The module will only be visible to users with Manage permissions prior to this date.
Select the end date for displaying this module. The module will only be visible to users with Manage permissions after this date.
A unique identifier for this module on the page. This can be used by WEB API callers to set the context of the Tab and Module context.

Added to Pages

This module has not been added to any other pages.
RoleView ModuleEdit ModuleActions
AdministratorsPermission GrantedPermission Granted
All UsersPermission GrantedPermission Granted
Registered UsersPermission GrantedNot Specified

Basic Settings

Select an icon to display in the title bar of this module.
Select the default alignment of module content.

Enter a color name or hexadecimal value for the background of this module.
Enter a border width for the module.
Choose the default visibility for this module. I.e. whether the module is collapsed or expanded.

Check this box to display the module container.
Check this box to enable printing on this module.
Check this box to enable RSS on this module.
Check this box to make this module an IE8 Web Slice.
Select a container for the module.

Cache Settings

Select the provider to use for this page.
Enter the duration (in seconds) to cache the page for. This must be an integer.

Advanced Settings

Check this box to use the Page Settings of this module as the default settings when adding new modules. Administrators only.
Check this box to apply the Page Settings of this module to all existing modules. Administrators only.
Select the page this module instance will be moved to.

Sets the number of milliseconds between each scroll step. A larger number will make scrolling slower since the scrolling will wait longer before taking the next step.
Enter the size of Logo Pane in Pixcels.
Select the style ( variation of speed to complete an animation) of scrolling logo
Stop the scrolling logo when user mouse over the logo.
Size in pixcel, adjust the logo space.
Maximum Height is the scrolling panel height, scrolling logo will rotate with original image height.
Pixcel space between two logo, padding for the logo.

License / Activate Module

Enter the Invoice ID you get when purchase the module, you should get a email when purchased the module or collect Invoice ID from against purchased module.
License Key makes your module Activ, click on the Activate button to activate the module.

Created By SuperUser Account On 5/14/2018 5:52:20 AM

Last Updated By SuperUser Account On 4/17/2023 4:08:15 AM