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DnnDeveloper's Popup module is the simplest way to setup the POPUP FORM for the Contact / Feedback / Support Request / Request call back OR show Content / HTML , image advertisement / notifications.
User Manual: DnnDeveloper Popup User Manual
- Popup form can be used to collect the visitor's feedback, queries, contact/call back/support request and any communication through sending emails.
- Popup Module can be also used to show advertisement/notification, image or content.
- The module has configuration section where the color of popup can be selected, as per your skin color you can choose the color of popup background.
- Multiple styles/effect of opening and closing the popup windows like Basic, Slide, Fade, Fade and Scale, Slide and Standalone.
- Auto open popup or set the button or link along with custom content configured from the settings section of the module.
- Change the Caption/Name of Link/Button by clicking on that popup form/content opens.
- Configurable header title for the popup form, show/hide file upload control, users can upload the file and on posting the form along with email file will be sent as an attachment to the configured email address.
- The module has settings section to configure “From” email address, “to” email address email subject of the email and message which will be shown to the user after email gets sent.
- Popup form can be used to collect the visitor's feedback, queries, contact/call back/support request and any communication through sending emails.
- Popup Module can be also used to show advertisement/notification, image or content.
- The module has configuration section where the color of popup can be selected, as per your skin color you can choose the color of popup background.
- Multiple styles/effect of opening and closing the popup windows like Basic, Slide, Fade, Fade and Scale, Slide and Standalone.
- Auto open popup or set the button or link along with custom content configured from the settings section of the module.
- Change the Caption/Name of Link/Button by clicking on that popup form/content opens.
- Configurable header title for the popup form, show/hide file upload control, users can upload the file and on posting the form along with email file will be sent as an attachment to the configured email address.
- The module has settings section to configure “From” email address, “to” email address email subject of the email and message which will be shown to the user after email gets sent.
Form Builder
Contact the Form Builder module is the easiest way to design and generate the dynamic form, you can select/drop as many fields along with the options for the controls as per your requirements and end users can post the details to submit the details to the configured email address. It will take care of validation you configured from the form design section.
Design your own contact us form, by selecting input controls.
- Contact Form Builder allows designing your custom form with the bunch of HTML/input controls to choose and define the options for the control.
- The dynamically designed form will be available for the end user to fill and post the details to the configured email addresses. You can define the comma-separated multiple emails as a recipient of the email to address along with the form message or redirection link and subject for the email.
- You can set the colors for the label, help text/tooltip and define the style and caption of the submit button to match your DNN theme.
- Add reCAPTCHA and Auto-Response with configured text or form details.
- Form Designer allow to set the properties and attribute for the each input control like required, label name, help text, placeholder text, subtype of control (like email, text, telephone), maximum allowed characters and CSS style class, style of control like inline or defined other option by the user while filling the form.
- You have the choice to set the required field validation for each control while designing the form; Form will take care of raising required field validation message.
- You can use the single instance of RTE/TinyMCE but can't combine with the text area, you can use multiple text areas without any RTE/TinyMCE.
- It’s responsive/device supportive layout for the form and email.
- Drag & Drop Form Builder: Easily generate the contact form in just a minute.
- Mobile Friendly: 100% responsive, it works on mobile, tablets & desktop.
- reCAPTCHA Support: Add the Google reCAPTCHA to validate the form
- Auto Response: Sends auto email on posting/submitting the form
Cookie consent
Cookie Popup module is the easy way to show the popup/notifications with your content, link and selected colored theme at the configured position. It has the option to show popup every time or browser-based state to show popup only once on configured days. Inform users your GDPR Compliant status.
GDPR Compliant Cookie Consent Popup
- Set the popup Position
- Choose the colored Theme of popup
- Set to show popup every time or cookie based once in the day for configured days
- Change the text of popup header text
- Change the text of popup sub header text
- Change the caption of Accept button caption
- Show or Hide Learn More link
- Change the learn more button Caption text
- Set the navigation URL when user click on learn more
Animated Popup
Popup module is the easy way to show the popup with your content. It has the wide variety of configuration settings to control the layout of the model popup. It has the option to show popup only if the visitor has not seen.
- It offers to reach text editor to inject the content through you can show an image or content advertisement, embedded video or another webpage as an iframe or the notification and messages.
- The cookie-based model popup can be set to appear after a certain interval of time and also hides when the user returns to your web page by tracking cookies.
- It has wide choices for the transition effect and layout of model popup that included, position of model, color and the size of the popup window.
Cookie Popup
Cookie Consent module offers the fully customizable cookie popup/notifications with your content, link, theme style/layout and colors with the configurable position on the page. It has the option to show popup every time or browser-based state to show popup only once on configured days.
GDPR Compliant Cookie Consent Popup
- Set the cookie message panel position
- Choose the theme of cookie message panel
- Show the message every time or based on days to hide for the browser
- Change the text of cookie message header message
- Set the background color of the message panel
- Change caption of Accept button text/caption
- Set the accept button color
- Set the accept button font color
- Set the accept button mouse hover color
- Hide or show the link
- Set the color of learn more link
- Set the navigation URL when user click on learn more
Image Slider / Carousel
DNNDeveloper Image Slider module offers a wide range of transition effects with the animated caption/text/label style on the slide. Its responsive slider offers a bunch of styles of Arrow, Bullet, Thumbnail and slider Transition effects.
#1 Add/Edit/Delete multiple slides along with the caption, image, status, image title etc
#2 Order the slides by moving up and down
#3 Deactivate or Activate the Slide
#4 Adjust the Caption Style/Transition and Position on the screen
#5 Add the Caption as an HTML where you can define linking, the color of the font, header etc
#6 Select the Caption Back color and font color through color picker to match the image
#7 Set the slider Width and Height as per your requirement or Image size
#8 Set the slider Auto Play option
#9 Adjust the speed of slides
#10 Set the action on slider click or hover
#11 Set the Image Fill Mode like the Stretched image, actual size, cover etc
#12 Lazy Loading configuration for the image
#13 Set the Drag Orientation for the slider
#14 Set the Size of Caption font
#15 Choose the Random or Specific Transition effect for the slide
#16 Select and set the Arrow style
#17 Select and set the Bullet style
#18 Select and set the thumbnail style
#19 Select and set the loading icon style
Logo Carousel
DNN Developer Logo Carousel / Slider module offers the easy approach to show the sponsor or partners logo with the smooth scrolling transitions.
It offers the configurations to set the speed, size and space of the logo and scrolling pane, stop when user mouse over any logo, opens logo URL when it gets clicked.
Slider LIVE Demo (EDIT): http://modules.dnndeveloper.in/Logo-Carousel
- Add/Edit/Delete multiple logos along with the link, status, image title etc
- Order the logo position
- Deactivate or Activate the logo
- Adjust the speed of scrolling logo
- Adjust the step of scrolling logo
- Option to stop the scrolling when user mouse over on the logo
- Open to set the link URL on the same or new tab when user click on the logo
- Set the size of the scrolling logo pane
- Adjust the Logo size with an aspect ration
- Set the space/padding between the logo
FAQ is a simple and powerful module to create Dynamic FAQs on your DotNetNuke site. it displays frequently asked questions with the use of our built-in FAQ style templates. It can be customized the colors settings and use the icon. Reach text editor can help to add the images and media files for the answers.
FAQ Features
- Responsive and device friendly
- Add/Edit/Delete FAQ item
- Active or De-active FAQ item
- Change the position of FAQ item
- Change the Style/Template of FAQs from the available 82 layouts
- Option to set the background color of selected item header/title/question
- Option to set the font color of selected item header/title/question
- Option to set the background color of non selected item header/title/question
- Option to set the font color of detail/content/answer
- Option to set the background color of detail/content/answer
- Option to set the font color of the selected item on mouse hover for the header/title/question
- Option to set the background color of the selected item on mouse hover for the header/title/question
- Option to set the icon for each FAQ, hide show the icon set
- Option to Adjust the Question left/right or centered
- You can not set the different FAQ style to the multiple instances of FAQ added on the same page